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Raised exception class EVariantInvalidArgError with message 'Invalid argument'

edited October 2016 in Subreports

I'm converting my Delphi 7 project to Delphi XE 6 20.0.16277.1276 Update 1
using the ReportBuilder Enterprise version 15.5 Build 275, I have been
having trouble with models Master / Detail where I DataSet Details Filtered
being at the "AfterScroll" DataSet Master. The routine works in DBGrid,
percorendo all records, however when chamdo command ppReport.print the
following error is thrown.

"Raised exception class EVariantInvalidArgError with message 'Invalid

Some process has changed in RB for Delphi XE6?

Thank you so much.



  • edited October 2016
    Good Morning,

    To our knowledge base, solved the problem by adding a TThread.Synchronize
    involving the filter DataSet.

    Thank you so much

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