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How to make TppViewer.SinglePageOnly = True

edited January 2012 in General

I am trying ReportBuilder 14.02 on Delphi XE VCL Win32 application.

I use TppViewer to display a lengthy report that has more than 1000
pages. The rendering process takes about 1 minutes to finish.

However, the rendering process seems to work in multi-threading patterns
in the application. I may still access other parts of application While
rendering the report. This create some problem for database connection
as I have only one connection to database.

I have tried to set TppViewer.SinglePageOnly to True and False and it
doesn't help.

Is that possible to make the application freeze while rendering report
so the users won't have chance to access other parts of application
while rendering ?

I embed TppViewer to a MDI form instead of modal form. TppViewer on
modal form may help but it won't allow me to switch to other form after
finish render.

Best regards,
Chau Chee Yang


  • edited January 2012

    Setting the property SinglePageOnly should revert back to the old viewer
    used in RB 12. There is no threading used with this viewer. You can
    check the Viewer.Busy property to determine if the device is generating
    pages in singlepageonly mode.

    Unfortunately the busy property will not work for the scrollable screen
    device. I will add a way to check if the scrollable screendevice is
    generating pages for the next release.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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