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Problem with unexpected empty pages. Please help.

edited July 2011 in General

I have a problem, which is not easy to explain. I hope, you can understand

First the enviroment: Delphi 7 Ent, RB 12.04 Ent., MS SQL-Server 2008 and HP
Laser Jet P4010/P510 printer.

On a report I have in summaey band some TppRegions. Every region contains 1
TppDBMemo. And every region is ShiftReativeTo the region above it. Because
of different conditions some regions are visible and some not.

So everything is fine until the page break is in the summary band. Than it
can happen, that RB shows an empty page. For example I expect a Report with
2 pages, but the printer print 3 pages.

Page 1 is correct -> it shows "Page 1 / 2"
Page 2 is empty -> it shows "Page 2 / 2"
Page 3 is correct -> it shows "Page 3 / 2"

Normally everything is okay and this behavior is extremly rare, but if it
happens, i can reproduce this.

In the last hours I tried a lot of things to find an error in my report. But
now I'm at the end of my ideas.

Please help. I hope, there is a reason for this. Any ideas for debugging are

Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Gerd Brinkmann
invent GmbH


  • edited July 2011
    Hi Gerd,

    We have not seen this behavior before however it may be an issue with
    the pagination logic. If possible, please send a simple example in .zip
    format to support@digital-metaphors.com that demonstrates the problem
    and we will research it for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2011
    Only the visible Regions can participate in a ShiftRelativeTo chain. If you
    set some to be not visible, then redefine the ShiftRelativeTo relationships
    to include only the visible Regions.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2011
    Hello Nard,

    thanks for your answer. I will try out your notice tomorrow.

    But I think this is fundamental problem in my reports. I thougth, it is a
    good idea to place some regions on a report in summary band, for example:


    and every region is ShiftrealtiveTo the region direct above.

    In SummaryBeforePrint I set Region.Visible to true or false depending on
    whether the content is empty.

    Maybe that is not a good idea. Is there a better way to make this?

    Thanks again and kind regards,
    Gerd Brinkmann
    invent GmbH

  • edited August 2011
    Hello Nard,

    I changed my reports and now most of the regions are always visible. And I
    installed your patch for "ppRegion.KeepTogether".

    Now I have no more problems with unexpected empty pages.

    Thanks for your support.

    King regards,
    Gerd Brinkmann
    invent GmbH

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