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How to print subreport to different paper bins

edited June 2011 in General

I use an empty report (RepMain) which contains 2 subreports (RepSub1 and
RepSub2) in order to print these reports in one print job.

Now I want to print the first subreport (exactly the first page of this
subreport) to a different paper bin.

Whatever I tried: all pages are printed to the default bin.

This is the code I use in OnPageStart:

case RepMain.PageNo of
RepMain.Engine.Page.printersetup.BinName := CurrentBin1
RepMain.Engine.Page.printersetup.BinName := CurrentBin2;

I tried to put the code in OnPageStart of the Main report, in
OnPageStart of the subreports, I changed RepMain to RepSub1, I tried to
set ParentPrinterSetup to false - no success.

Please help how to control the paper bin of subreports within one print job.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Regards Uli


  • edited June 2011
    Hi Uli,

    Take a look at the following article on controlling the printer bin.

    I suggest using the PrinterSetup.BinNames property to define the BinName
    value. This way you can be absolutely sure it is correct.

    Report.Engine.Page.PrinterSetup.BinName := Report.PrinterSetup.BinNames[1];



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2011
    Hi Nico,

    Thanks for this hint, but the code I use works fine with a single
    report. The problem occurs only with the described scenario

    Though I'll change my code like you suggested.

    Any idea?

    Regards Uli
  • edited June 2011

    I changed the code according to your post: no change.

    Whatever I try: both subreports always print to the default paper bin.

    Regards Uli
  • edited June 2011

    What type of subreports are you using? Does your main report only
    contain a detail band or is there other information? If possible,
    please send a simple example of this in .zip format to
    support@digital-metaphors.com (perhaps using the DBDEMOS database) and
    I'll take a look at it for you.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2011

    Section Style subreports. The reports are assigned on runtime, they
    exist as single reports in my application.

    Just a detail band.

    I'll try to reproduce that.

    Meanwhile I found a workaround for the whole thing: I save the single
    reports as Archive-Files, merge them to one file and print this file
    (1st page on a different paper bin). That doesn't seem to be very
    elegant, but it works.!

    Thank you. Regards Uli
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