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Inserting a document into a PDF generated via Reportbuilder

edited May 2011 in General

We currently generate PDF reports for our Clients using ReportBuilder (e.g.
monthly Invoices), I've had a request to generate these reports and have the
ability to "attach" a cover letter with each PDF generated.

So, is there any way to insert an existing PDF document into a PDF generated
by Reportbuilder from within ReportBuilder, say as the first page of the
final document. I would like to do this without having to use any
aftermarket Delphi components such as Quick PDF library or the likes.




  • edited June 2011
    Hi Willie,

    ReportBuilder does not have the ability to merge multiple PDF files into
    a single file.

    It is however possible to export multiple reports as a single PDF file.
    If your cover letter can be created as a separate report, you could
    export both reports as a single PDF giving the same effect.


    Another option would be to place the cover letter inside the Title band
    of the main report and set the NewPage property to True. Then toggle
    the visibility of the band based on the device being printed to.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2011
    Thanks for responding Nico and thanks for the suggestions.

    Your support on this newsgroup is (in my experience at least) excellent and
    much appreciated.


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