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Cannot create RBuilder.ini

edited March 2011 in General

My software is raising this exception in every report I try to generate:
Cannot create c:\windows\system32\RBuilder.ini Access Denied. There are
other machines running my software without administrator privileges and the
problem do not raise.
How can I control where RBuilder will sabe it´s ini file?



  • edited March 2011
    > How can I control where RBuilder will sabe it?s ini file?

    what version of RB are you using? I believe this has been fixed for a

    Ed Dresesel
    Team DM
  • edited March 2011

  • edited March 2011

    When using the end-user designer, use the TppDesigner.IniStorageType and
    IniStorageName to control the location of RBuilder.ini. With RB 10.x the
    default location is ($WINSYS)\RBuilder.ini

    If your project is not the end-user designer, then there is an RB 10.09
    patch available. With the patch no RBuilder.ini will be saved for
    applications that do not use the end-user designer (i.e. ise the ppEndUsr
    unit. ). If you need the patch, send a request to support@

    For RB 11 and RB 12, there is a new Vista/security friendly default location
    for RBuilder.ini – the users local app data folder. And there is a new
    storage type call IniNone.

    Going forward I recommend upgrading to RB 12.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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