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Export XLSData

edited March 2011 in General


exporting a report to Excel via XLSData we have one problem.
(RBuilder 12.03)

The report has several lines as columnheaders. Each of these
columnheaders is a textfield and should be exported to the XLS-File (as

The problem is, that these headerlines are exported side by side so the
headers dont fit to the data below.

I don't know how to solve this.

In my dreams it would be possible to give more then one textfields the
same "SaveOrder".
Doing this, fields with the same SaveOrder (within one band) will be
positioned below (next Excel-Row within the same column).

Saveing as text, fields with the same SaveOrder maybe could be
concatenated ???

What do you think about this?
Do you have another solution?



  • edited March 2011
    XLSData export is designed to be very simple. One option would be to use a
    Memo for each multi-line column header. XLSData can export memo data.

    Another option is to use XLSReport export, which is designed to honor the
    report layout.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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