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ReportBuilder 17.01 is now available

Digital Metaphors Corporation announces the release of ReportBuilder 17.01!

ReportBuilder 17.01 includes VCL support for Delphi 10 Seattle, Delphi
XE8, Delphi XE7, XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, XE, Delphi 2007, and Delphi 7.

Overview: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/rbwiki/General/What's_New/RB_17

New Feature List: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/PDF/NewFeatures.pdf

Pricing: http://www.digital-metaphors.com/order

Upgrade here! https://www.digital-metaphors.com/secure

Bug Fixes for RB 17.01

- Report Tree, Region child nodes not included
- Workspace, Fix for drawing transparent images
- Designer.ShowComponents, added support to hide TableGrid, GMap

- RTTI, Optimization for GetRTTIClass method
- CollectionBase, ClassDictionary mods for thread-safety
- Delphi design-time AV can occur when loading old reports
- Fix unique name generation for case insensitive naming prefix
- BackgroundPrintThread, Mod to prevent time out exception

- 2DBarCode, PDF417 numeric runs > 40 digits caused invalid barcodes
- TableGrid, When row overflows, do not reprint statics in other cells
- TableGrid, Fixed generate header/detail/footer rows, when grid overflows
- TableGrid, Fix to prevent orphan header row generation
- CustomComponent, Update Parent typecast from Region to
- Crosstab, mod to inherit Save, SaveLength, SaveOrder props
- Rotated Text, Autosized rotated text cut off in some cases

- DrawCommand class, published BandType property
-DrawCommand.Assign, added RowSaveNo, ColumnSaveNo
- DetailBand, CreateBGDrawCommand, added BandType
- customBand, CreateBGDrawCommand, added BandType
- customBand, CreateLineBorder, added BandType
- CrosstabRenderer.CreateShape, assign Band, BandType
- CrosstabRenderer.CreateText, assign RowSaveNo, ColumnSaveNo

- Variable/DBCalc not computing for first record
- Prevent empty blank page when section subreport starts at top of page
- StretchableContainer, When overflow, do not reset objects

- Html, Content directory not created in some cases
- Xls/Xlsx, Elements w/Null value should not be skipped, if Border defined
- PDF, Metafile, Text aligned to baseline positioned incorrectly
- PDF, Metafile, Text background color incorrect in some cases
- PDF, Metafile, Enhanced world transform point of origin support
- PDF, Fixed graphics state synchronization bug
- Screen/Printer, Rotated text not highlighted correctly in some cases

------> Professional <----------

- QueryDesigner, Bottomlist intialization error

------> Enterprise <----------

- Language, added missing DeviceType consts
- TraReportListView, create image list with nil owner and free explicitly
- Fix copy/paste subreport containing RAP code
- CodeModule, Improve load/save backward compatibility w/form inheritance

Digital Metaphors Corporation
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