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Losing data at page break

edited August 2006 in Subreports
We've had an app running for some time (Delphi6, RBPro 6.02) and just
recently noticed a reporting problem. The sub-report uses two columns to
list data. If the page breaks during printing of the sub-report, one data
element is not printed.

For example: If there are 5 items on the sub-report and it needs to start a
new page after item 2, then the second page will only have items 4 and 5 -
item 3 is not printed. But if I remove items 4 and 5, then item 3 will print
on the second page. Or if I add text to another portion of the report so the
sub-report doesn't break, then all 5 items will print.

Any ideas as to what I should look for that would cause this problem would
be appreciated.



  • edited August 2006

    - as a test try commenting out the event-handler code associated with the
    report. Make sure that you do not have any code that manipulates the dataset
    in any manner while the report is generating.

    - if you still have an issue, download a trial version of the latest
    release, RB 10.04 for D6, and perform the same test. Backup your existing
    installation and reports prior to installing RB 10

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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