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Datapipelines for Section Subreports

edited June 2006 in Subreports

I have a main report with 4 section sub-reports in the detail, each has a
separate datapipeline. The purpose of the report is to allow client to
select and print any or all of the reports. It works just fine if the user
selects to print all reports, but it gives me error about the datapipeline
or the dataset (something about being not active) if the user selects only
multiple but not all of the reports. I tried setting the coresponding
sub-reports to visibility = false before the call to report.print but it
still gives me the error. It seems once the sub-report is there then whether
or not it's printed, it requires the datapipeline to be active. But I want
to be able to only get the data for the reports that are selected so I don't
waste time getting the data that we don't need. How could I do that? Thanks
for your input.



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