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Pre-version 19 RAP code decode possible ?

edited June 2021 in RAP
How can i decode the rap code, when i save to an RTM file, of a report built pre-version 19 ? What encoding is used on the RAP code ?


  • Hi Mike,

    I recommend upgrading to RB 21 and then resave the templates. This will convert them to the new text format.

    The old RB versions used a proprietary read/write binary format.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • Hello Nard- thank you for this. Since the binary format is no longer being used, can you provide or describe how it worked so that we can decode it ? I am not a developer, but we used Report Builder as a built in interface to modify reports inside of software that is licensed to distribute RB as part of their product.
  • What i am trying to do is to view the RTM file in a text editor, after it has been saved from the Report Builder interface. Thank you !
  • Update- i wrote a Python program to convert old version RTM to new version, including the RAP code. I am working on a converter to go from new version RTM to old version.
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