Automatically Signing a PDF with ReportBuilder

Have you ever needed to be sure a document sent is the one being read? We all know that the Internet is a dangerous place for unprotected data. Transferring any un-encrypted data is fair game to be intercepted, stolen, or altered. Digital Signatures are an excellent way to avoid some these problems. Digital Signatures offer […]

Email: Multi-Service

One of the new and exciting features added for ReportBuilder 21 is the ability to register and use multiple email plugins at once. ReportBuilder has supported sending emails from within the product since version 10. This was done by registering a single Email Plugin, each of which supported a different email-sending technology. Initially it was […]

TLS Version and Indy

  I was recently asked if the ReportBuilder Indy email plugin supports TLS version 1.2. The answer depended on whether Indy supports TLS 1.2, which thankfully it does! Many email providers (i.e. Gmail and Outlook) are now requiring the use of this version to connect to their SMTP servers. After researching a bit, I found […]

ANN: ReportBuilder 21.01 is now available!

                ReportBuilder 21.0 is now available! Mainly bug fixes for this release.  Be sure to use the latest version to ensure the fastest and most stable performance. See the official announcement on our forums by clicking the link below. Upgrade now!

ANN: ReportBuilder 21.0 is now available!

              ReportBuilder 21.0 is now available! We’ve added a bunch of new and exciting features for this release.  Be on the lookout for more blog posts and Wiki articles to help familiarize yourself with this update. See the official announcement on our forums by clicking the link below. […]

ANN: ReportBuilder 20.04 is now available!

            ReportBuilder 20.04 is now available including Delphi 10.4.1 support! See the official announcement on our forums by clicking the link below. Upgrade now!