Merging Reports – Part 2, Archives

                Part 2: Merging Reports using the Archive Merging Utility In the first part of this series, we discussed how to merge reports using subreports.  Today we are going to take a look at another method: Merging Archives. Generating a report as an archive file is a great […]

Merging Reports – Part 1, Subreports

              In the reporting world, efficiency is key. Whether you’re a developer, designer, or end-user, the ability to merge multiple reports into a cohesive whole is a skill you’ll want in your arsenal. Imagine this scenario: You’ve meticulously crafted individual ReportBuilder reports, including data, event code, calculations, etc. — […]

Helper Routines

A common goal of component developers (like us) is simplifying the job of our customers (other developers) as much as possible. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by adding “helper routines” to the product to reduce the amount of time it takes to code an otherwise tedious task. Below are a couple […]

EPC QR Codes with ReportBuilder

          ReportBuilder 22 introduced a number of features to make the life of a report developer easier. One of those features is the ability to easily create an EPC compliant QR Code for making payments in many European countries. While it was possible to create an EPC QR Code in earlier […]

Automatically Signing a PDF with ReportBuilder

Have you ever needed to be sure a document sent is the one being read? We all know that the Internet is a dangerous place for unprotected data. Transferring any un-encrypted data is fair game to be intercepted, stolen, or altered. Digital Signatures are an excellent way to avoid some of these problems. Digital Signatures […]

Email: Multi-Service

One of the new and exciting features added for ReportBuilder 21 is the ability to register and use multiple email plugins at once. ReportBuilder has supported sending emails from within the product since version 10. This was done by registering a single Email Plugin, each of which supported a different email-sending technology. Initially it was […]

TLS Version and Indy

  I was recently asked if the ReportBuilder Indy email plugin supports TLS version 1.2. The answer depended on whether Indy supports TLS 1.2, which thankfully it does! Many email providers (i.e. Gmail and Outlook) are now requiring the use of this version to connect to their SMTP servers. After researching a bit, I found […]

RESTful Reporting

  The ReportBuilder REST Services components provide a RESTful platform to publish RB reports to mobile iOS and Andriod clients.  Extending your existing Delphi desktop solutions via REST services is a great way to provide users with the mobile cloud access they expect. As a desktop developer,  you may be thinking you lack the skills and/or time to implement such […]

PDF/A and Metadata

PDF/A is a very useful and popular format used for the long term archiving of digital documents. ReportBuilder 19 introduces numerous PDF/A related features including support for the PDF/A-2, PDF/A-3, and PDF/A-3 ZUGFeRD formats (PDF/A-1 format has been available since RB 14). PDF/A is highly restrictive in the features it allows and information it requires. […]

Interactive PDF with ReportBuilder 19

ReportBuilder 16 introduced PDF form fields and checkboxes. This allowed for the creation of dynamic PDF forms that could be altered and printed with the user's custom data. ReportBuilder 19 includes a number of new ways to manipulate the existing form fields as well as the addition of PDF buttons. Form Field customization In the [...]